Does he like me?

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Original Visitor's Question from a 13-20 year old Female
Sorry about how long it is but here it goes..... Here are some of the things this guy i like does to me.
1. Protects insults and says nice things about me to fake girls at my school who ABSOLUTELY are jealous of me and hate me.
2. Downloaded Instant Messenger just for me.( I was the first to talk to him.)
3. stares at me CONSTANTLY(from what my freinds say) but everytime i turn around he turns away.
4. Flirts with me occassionally but always flirts CONSTANTLY with the fake girls who are so popular.(I am considered notpopular, but thats only because i am NOT fakelike those girls and stick with my TRUE and LOYAL friends who are also not popular.)
5. Sometimes doesnt get online and NEVER calls me back when i call him)
6. Called me once for homework(EXAM), he only needed help with maybe 1/3 of it.
7. His freinds stare at me and sometimes i see both of him and his BEST FREIND looking at me and smiling.
8. One time I had to sit by him at a class. He kept on doing the stretch trick that guys do halfway. He would only stretch and almost put his hand behind my back but didnt. He stretched about 5-15 times in 30min. and would put his hands VERY close to my chair which is by my butt. He kept on gleaking on me and so was his two other friends.
9. He throws things at me all the time.
10. He always staels one of the FAKE girl's purse.

1. Why does he flirt with the FAKE girls constantly?
2. Why cant I ever see him stare at me?! ( Even though my freinds say he ALWAYS stares at meEverytime I look he isnt, he turns away.)
3. Why does he flirt with the Fake girls and steal one of their purses?
4. Why doesnt he return my calls but then turns around and calls me for homework?
5. Whats with his friends and him staring at me and smiling? Also with them gleaking on me?
6. Was he just stretching or was he thinking of doing that trick?
7. Was he really trying to get near me and touch me?

Thank youfor helping me, I NEEDED it.

User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female
Signs from guys

From all the articles ive read about signs a guys likes you or is flirting w/ you id say he does like you and all that stuff he does with the "fake" girls is just to make you jealous. im only 13 and still havent had a bf. yet but im pretty sure he likes you. here are some tips help figure out if he does like you though.
1. when yall are talking his body is facing yours and he seems to lean into you.
2. he'll playfully tease you
3. he'll stare at you and you may feel like he is and turn around and BOOM! hes looking the other direction.
4. all his friends are sooper nice to you.
5. he says you smell nice.

hope i helped.
Audrey. :)

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