Am I falling Out of love?

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Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male
Hi there

Ive had a gf for about year and a half now and well our relationship has been stable, hasnet been exciting lately but it in good terms, We hardly see each other coz we are busy about studying and work so we only get to see each other about once a week, I do call her everynight but im kinda getting...tired of it. Well during the last month or so, I met this girl, we became friends but nothing more, although I've been seeing her more lately and Ive realised she has a fun going personality that is quite opposite my gf's. There were times were we go out by ourselves and watch a movie but I ddnt have any ill intention, until recently where we last watched a movie, had dinner and spend the evening watching the ocean (she had a stomache thats why we had to sit down) Well our bodies got close and sometimes she would hold and lean to me, she knows I have gf aswell. Lately ive been feeling down and guilty, Ive realised I have feelings for this girl but I dont want to hurt my gf because she has done so much for me but the thing is I've been thinking less and less of her even b4 I met this new girl. I havent done anything extreme to the girl like kissing her because I try to control myself. To make matters worse my gf's b-day is coming up and I dont want to make her sad on one of the most important days of her life coz I dont want to hurt her feelings. Its hurting me and Ive tried to separate myself towards them to have a think alone on what to do, but each time, that girls face appears through my head and I try to remove it but its soo hard, what can I do?

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Male
Sea fish

Well i am no expert but i do believe from what you are saying is that you have not even known this person long enough to even believe you are "in love". Go for it and play the field...there are a lot of fish in the sea...what makes you happy you should do it.

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