It Turned Bad So Fast, Why?

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female
My boyfriend and I had something really special in the beginning, then after one silly argument everything turned bad, fast. We decided to be in the relationship still. So I tried to do damage control and tried to "go back to where we left off" and he was nothing but sarcastic and mean and acted like he didn't care. He didnt even visit me or get me anything for christmas! So I broke up with him and now he wants to be friends and he's acting all nice now, but what do i do? I want to be friends with him, but I cant help but be angry with him still.

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Male

Personally, and this is only my opinion, it sounds as though he was enjoying the extra attention he was recieveing from u after the argument when u were trying to do "damage control" and was tryin to milk it for everything he could. When u broke up with him, it sounds like he got a cold dose of "ok ive milked this thing to long", which MAY of snapped him back to reality. In my opinion when u have a big argument (depending on how big it is and what its about) there is no "going back to the way it was" and its wasted energy trying 2. usually, but not always, the best thing to do in such a situation is 2 be authentically apologetic and sympathetic without seeming desperate and concentrate on simply getting things back on track and improving things in the future.
Good Luck and Blessed Be

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