Does he like me, or is he just being nice?We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 13-20 year old Female Okay.. So recently I realized I have a huge crush on this guy in my grade. We talk on the bus, and even occasionally during classes. Though I've been noticing a couple of things. A couple days ago the basket ball team needed our bus, so he had to give up his usual seat. There were some seats closer to his best friend, but he sat in one right in front of me. This could also have been because he just felt lazy and didn't want to walk back there... But then I brought up that a bit of research for the play we're (My friends, him, and I were all chatting). He offered to help me with it over e-mail, and I noticed that he leaned toward me while we were talking, and he seemed to make a point of making eye contact. Another time a couple days before the previously mentioned event, I was talking to him (he had sat in the bus seat one seat behind me, and then a seat to the left). I was just bringing up some stuff in casual conversation and he seemed to be paying a lot of attention to it, and we pretty much swapped stories the whole time. He also seemed to make a point about saying "Good Bye" as I got off the bus. I'm not really sure if he's interested, or just being nice. Either way, I plan on getting to know him a bit better before doing anything... But it would be nice to know. User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female Aim and fire yah i think he really likes you and i agree with george smile and give him little sighns that you like him or something make sure you be yourself and things will fall in place once you get a complete answer to if he likes you ame and fire! life is about risks sincerley, Autumn:-) The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer