Friendship or flirting

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male
I'm a 30 y old man
I work for six months now with a woman and we r closed friends but im starting to have feelings towards her but seems im not the only one
As she tells me everything ive been told that she and our boss(married with kids) are flirting since two weeks now and that they slept with each other several times
The problem is that now even if i still see her as a friend , i have also a kind of refusal of what she s doing but can t tell her anything since she doesnt know my feelings towards her
another problem is that i see both of them daily and since she told me the truth when i look at them i imagine them making love to each other
how can i deal with that situation ? shall i stay close to her knowing that i still love her despite all what she did?
shall i tell her to stop telling me the details of her relation with the boss or should i act as nothing happened knowing that since i learned about that story i m not eating nor sleeping or focusing in the office
thx u for ur help

User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female
Pay a lot of attention

i advice buy her flowers try to pass the friend level and try to flirt tell her she looks pretty and invite her to dinner as friends on your lunch let her tell you her feelingns and pay alot of attention to her, women like that tell her, her cloths is pretty and make her feel loved then when you have the chance tell her she the girl of yuor dreams and if she would like to go out with some time

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