Not the Girlfriend but close why does he need to lie about who he's with if I'm not the G.F.?

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Original Visitor's Question from a 41-50 year old Female
I wrote before but now...My best friend we've been involved and now it he has gone worse since his parents came to visit from far away. He is moving to get away but still be in area, re0rganize himself, get straightened out. I support that. We spent A LOT of time together since we've known each other 1 1/2yrs. Since his ex & him broke up in Oct. 08, he seemed to get worse and now after the parents recently visted, he seems more of a jerk. Now he cut me from his life. An incident happened with my car breaking down. I asked for help and ran into him and who I thought was his date but he denied twice they were together. I had recently spoke with her because she works close by. She told me they had been involved but not seriously. Why did I have to find out the hard way and why did he handle this so poorly.
He and I were last together in Nov. If I am not the girlfriend, WHY does he feel the need to lie if at this time in his world, does not want to be my boyfriend? Why fear the outcome if telling me the truth? I'll just be upset, cry and work through it. I would never threaten him. When I checked out that he lied when it came up, I went to confront him and our good friend stopped me. Good. But now I AM the bad person and accused of stalking when I was the one badly lied to. He has nothing to lose with me, in fact I helped him a lot and owed me money but let him work it off. I'm working on myself in the mean time. I've been made to feel the crazy one and have been gaslighted in the past.

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Female

The simplest answer would be that 'it's none of your business.' If you are friends, nothing more, nothing less, then who he may or may not choose to date is not your concern unless he chooses to make it so.

As it stands, if you have feelings for this guy, you need to choose whether he'd be a good catch and whether or not to ask him out (again?). Go off his past and present actions with you - are they actions you would want to be bombarded with if you got together again?

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