Sick in the stomach after a make out session

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female
My boyfriend and I like to French kiss a lot, like for an hour or so. I noticed that after we make out every time, I get a stomach ache, kind of like a nauseous feeling. I told him and he responded with the same answer. Why is that? Does it have to do with our saliva?

User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female
Stay Hydrated

I have the same problem and so does my boyfriend. Generally it's the position we're sitting in or laying in, but also I work out alot being in karate and get dehydrated easily. If you're physically active and don't drink the proper amount of water or eat enough, nausea and light-headedness will occur. Have a light snack before you see each other or go out to dinner together. Now, don't get a 5 course meal, because you will be so full you won't want to make out.

So, keep hydrated (as you should anyways), and make sure you're eating regularly and your nausea should clear up.

or, you could both me so excited when you're with each other that your stomach gets tight.

either way, eating and hydrating should do the trick

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