My ex hugs meWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male I found out my ex still likes me a little and that she likes to see me also when we hug she hugs me like before and she once told me she didnt have feelings for me do i have a chance or not????? User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female Discuss the Issues The particulars of this situation are very important--for starters who broke up with who? If it was you who broke up with her then the last thing she wants to do is openly say she has feelings for you- in her eyes it would simply make a fool of her, because you were the one that by breaking up with her made it more than apparent that you did not like her in that way, the ball is on your hands- its your move to make. If it was you who broke up with her you need to ask yourself if you have openly hinted at the subject or just made it seem blatently clear that anything involving couples and romance is out of the question- ask her to a dance or dinner, this will give her the ok to tell you how she feels. If it was her who broke up then she may be possibly feeling for you and as George noted just being friendly. On the other hand she may be a bit too emberassed to tell you that she still does have feelings for you after it was her that ended your relationship in the first may want to slightly hint about the subject asking if there is any regrets she has had and maybe mention that you really regret messing what the two of you had up. The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer