she still says she likes me like a brotherWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male im 13 and this girl that i like is getting ready to move somewhere (i dont know yet where they just put up the for sale sign). We have been good friends for a long time (since i was about four). She's the same age as me and when ever she gets to the busstop down the street we hug and start talking. 1 day i was hanging out with her and her friends and one asked her if she liked me and she said yea he's like a borther to me. that was horrible to me seeing how i like her a lot. So I tryed to get her to like me more by talking to her even more and giving her gifts and helping her deal with moving you know stuff like that but she still says she likes me like a brother.But my parents and her parents think that we both like each other even my lil' 7yr old cousin says she likes me but she doesn't show it to me. Does anyone have any advice? User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Male other side of town ok she's moving to the other side of town but i wont see her anymore because she'd be going to a different school system than i go to and she goes to now The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer