Kissing / Intimacy -
Personal Advice from RomanceClass

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Pretty much by definition, a dating situation or marriage involves kissing and intimacy. If you two were just close without any contact, that is called a platonic friendship. Certainly we all have best friends that we love very much - but we don't touch them intimately. It is that kissing and touching that changes the tenor of a relationship.


We have over 1,000 tips online that deal specifically with kissing and other touching issues. We have different types of kissing, how to have your first kiss, and much more. People have kissed for thousands of years. This is not new! Read on about the ways in which people like to kiss and touch.

Hickey Information

h Feeling Comfortable
h Intimacy While Pregnant
h Making the Decision
h Non Sexual Intimacy
h Not In the Mood
h The First Time
h The Golden Years
h The Wedding Night
h Too Much / Not Enough
h Turning Up the Heat

Make sure you have studied and understand these tips, and have practiced them. If you have read these tips, have tried to implement them and are still having problems with a specific kissing or intimacy situation, then move on to:

Step 2 - Online Kissing / Intimacy Advice