Me and my ex were together just under 3 months. She was the first girl i had properly been with in 3 years (by choice) She is only 19 and I am 24 and was only single 6 months before getting with me after a long 2 year relationship which she got cheated on.

Anyways for most of the relationship I never really missed her or felt that much going on but i was really trying. I thought it was where i was single for so long and that I was used to being by myself. At the start she was much more into me than i was into her.

Anyways over the last 2 weeks she started feeling the sameway i did but the funny thing is i just started getting more into the relationship, how ironic?

She said to me the other day that she isn't missing me as much and she feels differently now. She feels more inclined to be single because she hasn't been single since she was 16. I thought ok ive been there done that i understand. She wanted to go on a 2 week break because she still had feelings for me but she was confused. I said no, we either stay together or split up, no breaks. So we split up. A few days later i really missed her and i was sure i wanted her back but then next day i didnt miss her and thought staying apart was for the best. I was quite confused, partly because she is really confused herself and couldn't give me a 100% answer.

Anyways she called me up Thursday and we spoke about it. Apart of me tried to fight for it because i don't like giving up on anything but she is still really confused. I tried to get a definate answer from her but she couldn't give it because she didnt know. Firstly i fought for it but then realised if we are both feeling the sameway and both confused what is the point? She kept saying she wanted more time to think because she said she might feel that she wants to be with me in a few weeks but i made the decision for her and told her i wasn't prepared to wait around for a few weeks and get a disappointing phone call at the end of it. That's basically it.

A small part of me wanted it to go on but if i never really missed her something had to be wrong and now she feels the sameway.

My problem now is at times i think i done the wrong thing and i feel xxxx about it. Other times i feel great and it doesn't bother me one little bit. Why am I so confused? This girl never really done anything on a romantic level for me. It got physical very quickly so maybe it was just lust and at times i find myself thinking about it and it brings me down somewhat. But then i love being single, i was single for 3 years after a very long relationship and i am comfortable being single but I just don't have balance at the moment. I didn't see this coming from her so maybe it cought me by suprise and shocked me> Or maybe I had more feelings for this girl than I realised?

Any Ideas?
Thanks, Nicky

Last edited by PDM; 08/31/08 11:34 PM.