Originally Posted By: Nicky
... The last week or so I have been bombarded with emotions causing confusion, making me feel down, I feel tired all of the time and i still don't fully understand what I want.

Today has been by far the worst I have felt about the break up. This morning I woke up and all I could think about was my ex but I don't know why because at times I don't even miss her ....

This is probably not as strange as you may think. People cannot feel extremely emotional all the time and the body can sometimes go into a sort of numbness, where you don't feel much at all.

I'll give you an extreme example. When my father died, I felt completely traumatised. That was over nine years ago and I still grieve for him. My feelings were probably normal in the event, but not a usual part of normal life. What happened was that for part of every day I felt so terrible that I didn't know how I would cope. Yet, for other parts of that day, I would hardly feel anything at all. People must have been very confused by my emotions ~ but a relative, who is a psychiatric nurse ~ said that this was normal ~ the body's way of coping.

I keep thinking do I just want her back to make me feel better ....

Well, that's possible, of course, or it may be that you have genuine feelings for her.

It is so Ironic that we split from each other because we wasn't missing each other and now i miss her more than I ever have.

Not really ~ I think that this probably happens quite often.

Maybe this is worth pursuing, if she is also willing to give it another chance.
You could write to her and see if she would try again at some stage soon.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.