When I'm happy I sometimes sing snippets of songs - even when they don't make a lot of sense or are very appropriate. Often times I'll sing a portion of a song [from Jimmy Rodgers' "Kisses Sweeter than Wine"] - "When I was a young lad and never been kissed, I got to thinking it over what I had missed...."

My wonderful wife, Marge, laughs and says, "Carl you were NEVER unkissed!"

But to get serious, the fact that the person was distant with you at work could perhaps because he fears that personal romantic overtures would be inappropriate in a work environment. But my intuition suggests that maybe he wants the involvement with you to be a secret thing. This may not be true, but if it might be true, I personally would not want such a dark and hidden relationship.

I'd want my friendship, or romance, to be out in the open and one of which I could be proud and joyful.

I wish for you kisses which are from a loving, caring person who respects you as a person, and enjoys your company, and wants the best for you.

Marge is the love of my life.