Cheating and Lying:
Rebuilding Damaged Trust:
Give them a chance

Just because your partner cheated does not mean they aren't in love with you or that you two are not meant to be with one another. I cheated on my BF one yr ago and he took me back. He was really hurt, it was a one night stand with this man who kept pursisting me and my BF was always working double shifts. A yr has past and I would do anything to take back what I did. My BF goes out a lot more now with his friends and now I am the one who is always questioning him cheating, just because i did it to him. It is an awful worry and I wish I could just feel the trust I used to. I guess I created my own worst enemy. THINK before you cheat, think long and hard about what you have and whether you want to hurt that.

Rebuilding Damaged Trust > Cheating and Lying > Romantic Tips

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