my heart's numb and im acting cold..

Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female
Hey, there. I been keeping my emotions. Not exactly. When it's too much, i let him know about my feelings. But he changed only a short while, just 1 or 2 days then back to his old self. the problem is that his usual self suffocate me to death.

Like every other girl, all i want is some love and affection.

Each time he said he loves me, cant live w/o me etc etc etc only when im so in bad mood and angry then he says it.

I feel like he's just holding me up for i dunno what real reason.

i cant take it anymore. It's always me calling him. he never did. Its always me doing everything. now im numb and cold towards him.

I know he feels hurt and it hurts me even more to hurt him. right now im just feeling hurtful. i don wanna hurt him, i end up feeling hurt, when i hurt him the pain gets even worse like a salt being rub to a wound! Advice
You either need to dump him or get some professional counselling.

He is driving you crazy and you should not have to put up with that. That's not love by anyone's definition.

Your other choice is to go to a counsellor and try to work out your feelings and see if you can resolve the problems.

My advice is to dump him.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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