im so confused i love him so damn much

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
my ex and i were dating for 6 1/2 months. then one Monday a week and a half ago he broke up with me because he says that he doesnt want me to hurt him like his bi-polar ex gf did. i cried and told him that my doctor laughted at that assumption (he actually did) and was so upset i waited so long to get him. he says that he still cares for me but then how could he do this. my friend says that he just needs time and eventually he'll miss what we had or realize what he did was wrong and come back. but its hard we were so close and he was just one of those people that a person like i could do just about anything with, we had that much in common. please help me i know that he's "The One" i've known it since i first saw him. and he said that he felt the say way but his friend "mind bombed" him. please do you think he'll come back we've never fought or anything he was just scared. should i just give him some space but still show him that i care???? please help Advice
It's only been a week and a half. In fact, by now you two may be back together. Try not to freak out over a small break up. Show him that you are strong and can do without him. Even if you think you can't, it is important to show him that you are not scared.

He will probably come back to you if you aren't too pushy and you give him some space. Let him know you still care but don't make a spectacle of yourself.

Hope this helps! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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