He still says I'm his best friend and cares about me...and gives me hugs when I feel down and stuff

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
I just have a question about how do I know if someone still loves me.
He always told me he would love me forever no matter what happened between us, even like the day before he broke up with me. And right after we broke up he said he still loved me, but now I'm not sure, its been a month.
The one time we broke up before this he said he wanted me to keep wearing his necklace. This time I asked if he wanted me to keep wearing it, and he said well what's it gonna mean if we're broken up. And I thought it would mean that we always still love eachother.
He still says I'm his best friend and cares about me...and gives me hugs when I feel down and stuff...but the thing is he would always say that he loved me more than anything in the world, even like the day before we broke up...can that just dissapear??
I want to try to make him remember why he fell in love with me and feel it again, because he would always say hes never loved anyone like me and I was the best thing that ever happened to him...is it possible to do that if its less than it once was?? Or even almost gone??
I'm afraid to ask him right out if he still loves me cuz I am afraid I can't handle the answer.
And, I hear a lot of stories about guys doing things to show they care, like flowers, romantic poems, all this sweet stuff they do for their ex girlfriends and the girls get swept off their feet and end up falling in love again....is it possible for a girl to do that for an ex boyfriend??

RomanceClass.com Advice
You seem to be caught in the middle with him.

He still cares enough about you to be your best friends and hug you. But, you are still broken up.

Certainly don't give up yet, and if you think he would like flowers, etc. go right ahead and do that. Some guys would like it... does he like presents in general? If yes, then he will probably like flowers etc.

You wonder how he could tell you he loved you more than anything and then the next day break up with you. The answer probably is that he got into the habit of telling you how much he loved you and kept saying it even though he was changing his mind.

Be sure to let him know that you still love him and are waiting for him. That should make him feel good about you.

I wish you the best!

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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