I'm just scared to lose my virginity and I feel im too young
Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old FemaleHey..I am J*, I'm 13 my boyfriend is 15,we go to the same school,i like him very much even though we've been goin out for about 2-3 weeks. It took me a while to get how he is. But my problem is that he isn't a virgin and i am...im thinkin bout losing it to him but im scared..i have had oral sex before but not sex. Im just scared to lose my virginity and i feel im too young..and my dad says im still a baby, and i never betray wat my dad says...but i feel i wanna have sex with him what should i do??
RomanceClass.com AdviceYou are definitely too young to have sex with your boyfriend.
Your father is right that you are not ready for something so important. You have only know this boyfriend for a few weeks and that is not enough time to be with someone and give up your virginity.
And, you could get pregnant very easily because at your age you and he don't know all the dangers and all the ways you could get pregnant. Getting pregnant would be a very disastrous thing to happen to you.
My advice is to enjoy your relationship with your b/f but don't give up your virginity for at least three years.
Good luck! George
-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com
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