I'm just scared to lose my virginity and I feel im too youngWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female Hey..I am J*, I'm 13 my boyfriend is 15,we go to the same school,i like him very much even though we've been goin out for about 2-3 weeks. It took me a while to get how he is. But my problem is that he isn't a virgin and i am...im thinkin bout losing it to him but im scared..i have had oral sex before but not sex. Im just scared to lose my virginity and i feel im too young..and my dad says im still a baby, and i never betray wat my dad says...but i feel i wanna have sex with him what should i do?? User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female Wait If i were you, i would wait untill you arnt scared to loose your virginity but to wait untill you feel like your ready to do it. Dont let anyone push you into it. And as for your dad telling you your still a baby, obvioulsy he is going to say that, your his child and he doesnt want you getting up to everything so thats probably why hes saying it. To put it simply if you want to do it do it. if not wait for a while untill your 100% sure that your ready. Btw your first time hurts quite alot, well it did to me but everyone has to do it at some point. And you may bleed a little bit, but thats it. :) The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer