I'm desperate to reprogram my mind

Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male
girl dumped me 6 months ago,went to doctors antidepressants,councelling all that,cant sleep,hate being in alone as i know my thoughts will stray towards her,my concern is not the split,but 6 months on the thoughts are so repetative i cant change them and it is getting me so down.i am allways aware of when i am thinking of her and not aware of anyother thoughts,since split we have lost contact..im desperate to reprogram my mind..please help,i have tried to get her out of my mind but that makes me think of her more

thank you


RomanceClass.com Advice
You've had counseling and medications for this problem, so please don't expect any miraculous advice from me.

You need something to help you from obsessing over her. One thing you might examine is how much less your obsessing is now from what it was before. If you see a significant decrease then you should be optimistic about further decreases down the road. As the old saying goes "Time cures everything."

Have you tried really hard to find a new woman? This is usually a sure-fired way of getting over a flame. Put some effort into this if you haven't already.

Find something, anything, that you can become interested in. It might be work, family, a hobby, sports, TV, music, friends, movies. If you can find something that interests you that will help. Fill your evenings with events even if you have to force yourself. Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles for times when you are at home.

Hope something above helps! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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