My ex broke up with me almost two months ago

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
Hey. Okay heres the deal. my ex broke up with me almost two months ago. at times of the day he crosses my mind. sometimes when we talk, he would tease me about my hair or put down the guy i seemed to like. i was going out with another guy for a few weeks then i lost interest in him and hes transfering soon. so i broke it off with him. when i was going out with him i was purposely obsessing over him and my ex overheard. when he was talking to me he sounded really jealous. now were both single. im not sure if he's into anyone else though. well, i really want him back again. but im confused because he was the one who left but i wasnt treating him like i should have at the time. we dont really talk at school but most of the time we talk through messenger. so should i ask him anything and how do i let him know how i feel(wanting him back) Advice
Tell your ex you want him back and that you apologize for the way you were treating two months ago and that you won't mistreat him again.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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