Girls are Scared Because I'm DeafWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male I'm deaf and 21. There are many girls who like me and they think I'm hot or cute! But in some situations there are some girls who get afraid of being around me because I'm deaf or something. Sometimes girls would spot me and come up to me, then the next minute I tell them that I'm deaf...they run off. What's the deal here? Are they afraid of communication or don't appreciate me being deaf? How can I solve this? How can I come up to those girls without having them run away? User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Male Hang in there oh boy. well as far as an explanation goes here it is.they saw you, were attracted and came up to you all excited and gitty. When they find out you are deaf they feel embarassed because they didnt know and they are afraid they have offended you or will offend you. thats what is going on. i cant really offer a solution because i am not in your situation. just hang in there because sooner or later some of them arent going to so worried around you and then it will work out. peace out The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer