I have cheated on the person I truly loveWe often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. I truly love him... we've spoken about marriage and kids and have lived together in the past - we are (were) looking for a place to move into soon since he was getting ready to propose. My parents hate him however becuase he has been married in the past (with a woman that left him because she said she didnt love him - she said she never did she just loved him as a person and was used to him and she left him for another man)and they feel i could do so much better. I love this man so much but i feel like i have been so confused as to whether my parents are right - so 2mos ago i started dating a guy that my parents encouraged and literally pushed on to me. They are talking about us getting married already. I thought maybe I was confused and my boyfriend was not right for me - but I told him everything - he knew something was up and he asked me and I told him everything! I love him and I am definately sure now I want to marry him regardless of what anyone says - but I am afraid he doesnt want that anymore because I hurt him. He was very calm and he said he thought it might be a sign and he was my best friend and that he loved me with all his heart. I dont know what else to do to let him know I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart! User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female Apologize I think you should appologize and tell him that you love him truely 4m all ur heart regardless ur parents opinion.and that u being with another man made u certain he was ur true love and u can never imagine urself with sm1 else.i'm certain if he still loves u as u said,he'll 4give u and everythg will b back again.plz let us know ur news. Sarah The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer