Does Losing your Virginity Hurt?We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 13-20 year old Female How much does it hurt for a teenage girl to lose her virginity and how does she know if she's ready? User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female i just lost mine a while ago. i'm 17. to be honest i had alot of friends tell me don't do it and of course i did it anyway. my experiance was kind of nice. all my friends said it hurt like hell but for me the pain lasted about a minute or less and then it feel good. i did it with my boyfriend. we were only together a month and i fell in love with him so i said okay. don't do it if your not in love. and if a boys doesn't do these three things while/after you do it then you know u messed up. 1. ask you if your okay 2. be as gentle as possible/ make it romantic 3. cuddle The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer