Could this already be love?We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions. Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female I recently met this guy(a week ago recently).We spend alot of time together,And it seems are feelings very intense for eachother. Is it possible that this could already be love ? User Submitted Advice from a 31-40 year old Male Yes after 7 days I too recently met a girl(also a week) but in a different setting. We lived in the same building from Monday to Friday all day, every day. We'd be in class together, eat meals together, I'd hang out in her room (alone or not), and went out a few times. After further conversations I found she was attracted to me the first time we met at breakfast. The feelings were mutual. Every time we talk we find more things about each other that we like. I believe that everything happens for a reason and a person may be your soulmate. So is it possible to feel that deeply for someone after seven days? The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer