Okay- Since no one else is posting here is another..

I am terrified of spiders. Big ones small ones ugh! They freak me out.
One night I was standing at our backdoor watching the sunset. My hubby came up and said very quietly "val dont move forward or look up." He grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the house. Right above my head was a huge spider the size of a half dollar hanging from its web. Well immediately I went into the freak out and kill it mode. So being the brave man he is he went out to kill it.
He shut the door and went out the front and around to kill it. In one hand was a can of bug spray and the other was a broom I tagged along with him. He sprays the monster spider and it does its whole death struggle thing. I am right behind him watching. Well it looks like the spider is dead so I tell him to poke it and make sure.
As he leans forward to get a closer look and poke it with the broom I screamed "OMG its alive! It's coming for you!"
I have never seen that man move so fast in my life. He throws himself backwards, lands on his butt in the grass and is rolling to get away! Of couse the spider was not moving and was dead I just couldnt resist. He screamed and screamed. And I laughed and laughed. It was a picture perfect moment.

RIP Peeps