Actually, I don't know where he is. Its a unique situation.

My daughter's father is an illegal immigrant from Mexico. He has only paid me $100 dollars and does not see my daughter or have any interest in her life. He stole $1000.00 out of the bank account as soon as he was able(which was in joint name when he got out of jail and had the recently deposited tax refund money in it.) I filed for child support, but there really isnt anything they can do to him, especially now that I dont know where he is.

He assaulted my boyfriend in May and had to go to court earlier this month. His is on probation and so he dodnt go to the hearing. Now he has a warrant out for his arrest for failure to appear. This is why he disappeared.

I sure can pick em, cant I?

I guess this will give you all a little insight into why I thought my bf was so great at first.

~ Maggie
Mama to Juliana Elise (03/07), Wesley Dominick (06/10) and four feathered 'tielbabies!