Helo birdygirly016 smile

You say that you are young ~ but how young?
And are you both the same age?

Young love can last. My husband was my first boyfriend. We met at college when we were in our teens. We are now in our 50s ~ and we are still happy together.

However, people do change ~ and big changes can occur as people leave their teens and enter their 20s. I have seen a number of 'established couples' split up around that time, only to find their true, life-time soul-mates shortly afterwards.

All I can say is see how it goes. If it is meant to last, it will. If it isn't, it won't. Worrying about it won't help.

It sounds as if you two are very close and care about each other a lot, so you won't want to hurt each other, but you must remember that if you stay together, when one or both of you is no longer in love, neither of you will be happy.

Enjoy each other's company, but don't put pressure on yourselves, each other or the relationship.

Good luck! smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.