Yeah, my plans to get married are in the future a bit. i do want to have kids semi-youngish (not now but in the nearer future of a few years from now or more). I was born into a "grown up" family. No cousins my age (though they loved me the same), and my only grandparent that I knew and was very close to, died when i was 10 =[. I want my kids to have so quality memories with their grandparents and other cousins. However I'm not going to rush and have a baby just for that, when the time is right, I will know =D.
You are right though, the too good to be true is in my head. After what I went through, it seems like I don't even deserve this good. ANd again, him and dad are getting close which is amazing, because my dad has a way of making my mom see things his way..especially when it comes to me and who I date. I was shocked my dad was so cool with the near 3 year age difference, but matt is not like every out-for-sex guy that can be found more and more easily these days =\. And my dad knows that, so he trusts matt to do right by his baby girl =D I win. haha. We do need to be honest with eachother. I think we will have a conversation about this soon, I need to get it off my chest. I want him to be happy and if being with me is happy then YAY, and if not..then so be it. Thanks for your advice! I really do appreciate someone to talk to that isn't going to backstab me (while I was in spain, my "best friend" decided to tell matt to get a new girlfriend, nice I know). His friends abandoned him for different reasons. One didn't like me and the other (that I still talk to) didn't like that matt didn't want to always go sit and watch people play xbox (their way of hanging out). He still has casual friends that he can hang out with every now and then, but no close friends =[.

haha you're right we really never can understand guys. when we think we have them, we don't haha. but I do know how he likes his subway sandwich and that seems to be enough for him (we are splitting one for dinner) haha. a way to a man's heart is partway through his stomach haha. that is so true. make him good food, and he is yours forever. =D lol