Hi birdygirl, Sounds like you're going through a rough time frown Relationships can be confusing at any age not just when you're young. It sounds like your bf has given it some thought about your breaking up and he's come to the conclusion that he wants things to work. All relationships have their ups and downs and it's getting through the rough parts that make a relationship stronger.Take it one day at a time,sounds like you do make each other happy.So try to get the trust back-without trust no relationship can last.
As far as "young love" lasting, well...I've been with my husband since I was 17 and he was 23. We moved in together right after I graduated highschool and got married 5 years after that.We're still happily married and have 2 kids 19/14. Of course we had our ups and downs, even some MAJOR downs, but never cheated on each other and going through the bad times made us stronger.
So anyway, if you really do love each other then I think you owe it to eachother to see where it goes from here. Good luck with whatever you decide. And if things don't work out then maybe it just wasn't meant to be. You are both still very young and you have plenty of time to find the "right" one. And like PDM said if one of you is not happy then neither of you will be.