thanks! I love to hear stories like that. I met him when I was 17..and I do believe he saved me from my ex. He knows he did. Thank you for the advice..I just have so much trouble understanding him sometimes. He is such a sweet guy. an exact opposite of my ex (who I dated for 3 years!). He buys for me (and I buy for him if I get the check first haha), he never abuses me, or tries to hurt me's nice, which makes it hard to tell when he is unhappy. All his friend abandoned really he doesn't have anyone but me right now =[..I always wonder whether he just doesn't want to be alone, or he really wants to be with me..haha. it's silly I know..but likeI said, he is so opposite what I am used to that i don't know what to do. Thanks so much for that though. My mom is worried that I will get married at 18 like she did and regret it, so sometimes she is against the relationship. However, both my parents love matt. My dad and him work on the snowmobiles together, my car (haha) and other household things. It makes me feel better that my dad has someone to help because he will be 61 this year. My dad loves matt because he makes me happy in a non-abusive way. My dad is just glad his little girl is in good hands..which makes me proud of matt (if that makes sense) that he has won my dad's trust. =D it's weird sounding...I don't know. I just don't want to lose him. He is too good to just say good bye to.