Originally Posted By: birdygirly016
.... The whole not tell my parents thing comes down to, I don't want them to know I'm not perfect. I am their "perfect" child. I am an example. I get amazing grades and with guys I am "responsible". There is so much pressure for me to be perfect that I can't tell them how I lost my virginity at 15 (I didn't want to, it just happened). I can't tell them about the rape and the other things. I fear that they may be more upset for what happened and be mad at me, than anything that is over and done with. I just rather them think things were never that bad. Ignorance is bliss, and for this, it's fair that I let them remain in bliss. ...

We had a girl on the forum, who had been through something similar to this. She felt that she couldn't tell her parents, because of what she assumed they would think. In fact, once they understood what had been going on, life improved for her no end.

No-one is perfect.
No-one should live a lie, if it is hurting them.
In your case, you have people who love you ~ wouldn't they be supportive?
Only you know what you should do, but are you sure that you are doing the right thing?
I understand that you are still very young, with a full and happy life just waiting for you to enjoy it. How long are you intending to carry this burden, without any help? smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.