But of course your little Princess should get the most atttention Carl..she is a Princess afterall! How old is Ben? Maybe he can play with Princess..you know drag a toy around or whatever and that would appease her for a while?
And Diane, my youngest is a total video game freak too. His older brother just can't get how he can play those "stupid" games allll day LOL Especially now with Xbox live and all where he can play them with others from just about anywhere and of course now he has a certain few peeps he plays with all the time.
I can say one thing for his love of gaming though..he started playing video games when he was 2 and certain RPG games had a lot of reading involved to know what to do next or whatever. So he was constantly yelling MOM! read it! And of course I would. Don't ask me how he understood it because I didn't and he was only 2-3 yrs old! Anyway he must have been following along with my reading because by the time he was 3 he was able to read on his own. Not just the stuff in the games but actually reading at first grade level or higher. Even the newspaper! Amazing!When he hit first grade he tested at 6th grade level(the highest he was tested at)and by 2nd grade he tested at post highschool level! Yes..I was and still am very proud of my youngest gamer brat. So anyway gaming can't be all bad. As long as they have a firm grip on reality that is smile
I know-I went totally off topic yet again-sorry