I have to say thanks for sharing Amaggiepie. I may not be much help, but I think as a woman I can at least share.

I have a personal opinion of spacing out children 3 years. I hear the body doesn't fully heal from pregnancy until 3 years after, and generally think it's a good rule. But! I dunno if that opinion would stay when I start having kids! Hehe.

I think with baby fever though.. it's just something that has to be waited out. I get it so so bad sometimes I just want to *cough* forget *cough* my birth control pills and oops! there it happens. My best solution is to remember the reasons why I can't or shouldn't. It's really all I got. Stay away from baby sites, mommy's to be... forums help a lot too cause people tend to give their real life stories and get our heads out of the baby clouds!

But then again my hubbie DEFINATELY does not want kids now. So all I have to do is tell I'm having "mommy hormones" and he'll give me the look, and I take my Pill and be a good wife... and I'm young, don't have kids, and am in no financial situation or anything to think about having kids. *sigh* So I'm probably not any help at all!

EDIT ADD: Forgot this was my thread! All I have to do is go back and read some of the things people typed and it killed my baby fever. I actually got quite depressed after reading this! All the statements of medical care, the cost, the work... yeah that was enough to kill the desire in me..... THANKS!

Last edited by Niki; 02/09/09 09:54 PM.