I know what you are saying Jo, in my honest opinion I do think I might be more mature than he is. For example he is more of a goof off and I am more serious most of the time. But I know he has a very deep emotional side under the goof off side. Also part of what attracted me to him was his humor so...
And sometimes I think part of the time we argue when he does say harsh things it might be just him being childish (is that possible?) like he is upset and doesn't know how to handle those feelings..Possessive...lol I spent the day with him and then he called me that night and nearly talked to me all night. At least I know alot more about him in a short span than if we didn't talk all the time:P lol but yeah...I'm not sure why he insists on talking to me all of the time. I jump to a negative conclusion, he's controlling me or something (which I don't think he does but...) then I told my mom about that and she did think his calling was excessive but she pointed out that she thinks that talking to me makes him happy
he is mushy alot but at times he is harsh...like in pointing out criticism and stuff. In one case I told him a story and he said that would not be a good story for a first date, he doesn't like that I smell like cigarette smoke when I see him and things like that. I sort of take things personally so it upsets me, we both do apologize and by the end he says he will take the blame and it's his fault. I also don't want to hinder him not telling me about problems but these sometimes upset me (do you think I take it too personally or should just use it to improve?).
I don't know how he expects me to respond to him but sometimes I wish he did things that he doesn't do, but he does a bunch of things for me already so I don't mind at all.
How would we describe the relationship...
he once told me it was his best relationship ever and that he lost interest in his previous ones but in this one he has had so much fun...its been the best time of his life. I have to admit I've had fun too, and while we have had so many problems and issues they have only seemed to make us stronger and bring us closer.
I don't know why I have doubts, cold feet or whatever you will...it might just be me. When we first got together I couldn't believe it. I started to think it was a joke, dream or something like he had a mental disease that made him hit on me (lol sometimes I think I'm paranoid and not Bipolar, as he had suggested) but once I realized it was true then I relaxed a little but now I guess I'm looking for proof that its not true or he's not a good boyfriend and so on.
Maybe I will try to stop over analyzing things, it seems that its possible that it's a bad relationship but it might also be me looking for problems where there aren't any?