I'm sorry if I confused you PDM. I really don't read alot of books on relationships/love just one because I realized that it probably wouldn't help. I just research things when I have a question/problem that I'd like other opinions or ideas about. like wanting to know if considering a marriage with him was way too early, or how to communicate with him better and such. I figured relationships and love are more than intuitive though, but are also rational as well.
I'm not sure if he is possessive or abusive but he is sometimes harsh and tough on me or says things he doesn't mean or think about...and I sometimes find it hard to communicate with him because I don't tend to talk alot. I know him very well though because he is the opposite of me and talks all the time. But on the other hand he is very caring towards me and others. I just think that he's both very loving but sometimes...tough as well if that is possible? I'm sorry I don't know hot to explain it better...
but I guess the constant calling and stuff could either be because he really enjoys my company and wants to be with me all day or because he is possessive and the calls are more of a checking up on me kind of thing (I have a relative with a bf who calls her all of the time to make sure she is not cheating or stuff)