Jo, he does ask me if I'm happy and if I enjoy the relationship. He even wanted to know if I'm excited and happy that we plan to get married. I'm so happy that we are together and that we are getting married. I just really don't think we should be...planning for a future together so soon.
Things can change at any time...people change (like someone mentioned), we could end up breaking up, our families might not like the idea and so on. Therefore I think that counting the chickens before they are hatched so to speak is a little dangerous. Its not like we are actually planning a wedding (it's just our eventual plan) but I just worry that one of us will get hurt if it doesn't work out. That might seem to be ridiculous but I think we should just take it slow for now.
I think that I would still be able to enjoy the relationship even with the expectations of marriage tho, its just that there are questions I have about our relationship so I do ask...and I don't want to date other people. I've heard that breaks like that tend to not work anyhow...