I wanted to say something else.

My Mum & Dad were starting to plan their silver wedding, when he died quite suddenly, 11 years ago. They had become engaged when they were 22 ~ just a few weeks after meeting. They were always together from then on ~ people joked that they were joined at the hip. They loved going dancing, taking long walks in the hills and by the seaside, going off in their caravan ~ they even took up camping in their 60s!

My Dad was an agnostic, who bordered very closely on atheism ~ and he was extremely critical of the Roman Catholic Church.

My Mum is a Roman Catholic with strong faith.

I cannot say that there were no arguments, because they were (often when other people got involved), but they loved each other and remained devoted to each other, regardless.

Differences in religious opinion and belief do not have to destroy a marriage ~ but they can test it. I know that.

One's beliefs are in one's heart, but love resides there, too, and love can conquer all.

There is a hymn which begins: 'God is Love'.
If God is love, then love is God.
If one accepts that, then it should not matter what else one does or does not believe.

Good luck!

Last edited by PDM; 07/14/10 01:13 PM.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.