Don't forget how much you told us you loved him. Isn't thiis worth fighting for?

Originally Posted By: Niki, 17/12/07
Me and my boy met online as well. =P Though on an MMORPG (online game for those don't know what that is). To be specific, a game called Ragnarok.

I was a Priestess, he played a Crusader. We hit it off talking one night, and after that everyone asked is when we were going to get married. On the game, there was a marriage option for characters, cheesy and really cute. We continued talking. A few months later we really hit it off, and got married in game!! Hehehe.

Well, shortly after he asked for my phone number. And shortly after that, he and his parents came up to meet me! We had our first date that day, and our first kiss, hehe.

We've been together 3 and a half years since then. And now go to the same college, and are no longer long distance. =)

Originally Posted By: Niki, 08/11/09
Hehe, I married for love. Financial security? Had none. Still have none. Neither of us finished college, we were (and are!) young and I was stubborn. I wanted to get married, and didn't care how. We had the cheapest wedding we could manage. I cooked the food for the reception, and my cousin DJed!

So yes, people still get married for love. Or what we think is love. Problem with marrying young like we did is things change. I lost my religion, for one, since then. We still have no money, live with my parents now. We still don't know how we can both pursue our very different career paths... but gosh darn it, we love each other!

Hehe. smile

Objectively though, I don't think it's wrong to marry for security. It's a very real issue and a very real need. It's very hard to live without financial security. It depends what need you need fulfilled more, personally. Do you need love, cuddling, snuggling, goo-goo type love? Or is your need for fulfillment found in feeling secure? We all fulfill ourselves differently and have no right to say someone else is in the wrong.

Originally Posted By: Niki, 30/11/09
I wonder if age and the concept of marrying for love has anything to do with it? I mean, I can honestly say although I still deeply love my husband, in hindsight it might've been wiser to stay off.

Maybe age and religious influence in my case. Cause my religious upbringing (and his!) said no x, y, and z before marriage. And I wanted to take our relationship to the next level. So I pushed for marriage. Now, I think we would've been just as happy having those things without the title of marriage, and without the guilt of religious condemnation. ....

Last edited by PDM; 10/06/10 01:05 AM.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.