Yes, indeed Four Keets.

TheTangeMan, if she refuses to discuss your relationship, and tells you that this is none of your business, then think what she is actually saying.
Her love life; her sex life, her whole life ~ none of your business.

Would you consider going off with other girls and telling her it's none of her business?
Do you consider that your life choices are none of her business?

If it's none of your business, because you are not together, then you are not together.

I think that her message is quite loud and clear.

I think that you need to move on.

I appreciate that first love will always be special, but this just doesn't sound right to me.

You will get over this, because you deserve better treatment than this ~ and, deep down, you must know it.

Good luck!

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.