Have you brought it up before, and if so what was her reaction exactly? In the meanwhile, I think that you might pose that question to a professional. They could council you on just the right approach for someone suffering from her symptoms. It isn't so much of a problem if she get's angry at you and stops talking. More importantly, she may get turned off on the idea of seeing a professional. If you approach it right the first time, that may be the first and only best time and opportunity to convince her. I would definitely call a community mental health line and explain the situation and ask for a referral to someone who can give you advice. Sometimes, if you call a Dr.'s office, and explain to the receptionist that you have a problem and need to know who to talk to. They can put you in touch with free services. I would make sure it is a psychiatrist that specializes in teenage problems like cutting and suicide. Make sure they understand it is anonymous.(No Names)

Cookie and Sweetie