Well, I got her to come clean about everything tonight, and she expressed her feelings to me, so I understand how she feels, I just don't understand why she feels that way. I realized that despite the fact that I was good to her in some ways, I think I might have ignored some of the signs that she sent out saying that she needed me at times. She says that a lot of her friends could tell that she was sad or something, but I was the only one that couldn't tell.

She just wants to feel free and she says she doesn't care about what she's doing, even though I'm not buying that, she just doesn't want to sound week. I'm pretty sure there are some deeper emotions running through her that I wasn't able to bring out this evening, but I will try. Right now we are on the level of I guess being more like aquaintances rather than friends. She tells me she still cares about me, but just not in the way that I want her to care about me. She says that I am still her best friend, and she just really doesn't know what she wants, so I don't know what to do to help her. I told her that if she ever needed me then she knows that I would be there. So that's where we are now on day i guess 5 of our expedition.