
Ok, first of all. Sorry Victor. I didn't meant for you to feel umm, old. Just wanted to say that I haven't heard of the songs before.

And Halo_rainbow. Thanks for the insight on how a woman thinks. I guess with the girl in my case, well, I don't think I've been "chasing her for a long time". I mean, true I may have started to like her 3 years back. But I didn't chase/pursue or do anything (since she had a b/f). To be honest, I think I even acted like as though there was nothing there (like, I didn't have any feelings for her) for the past 3 years. Only really blurted out all my feelings to her recently -__-".

Come to think of it, I think I did do many of the things you described as a "perfect man". Like being sweet, caring, intense, and act as though I wasn't interested/didn't need any girl. I'm not saying I'm the "perfect man" though. It might just be my nature and I think that's what might have made a few girls like me?... but I wasn't really interested in them.
(I don't really like to play along with girls or even give them any sort of hope if I'm not interested or don't really feel anything for them, if you know what I mean.)

But as for the girl I'm "interested in", I guess I'm not really going to get the chance to "keep her on her toes, be romantic, then make her jealous " or "get under her skin".

But thanks for the insight anyway. Much appreciated.

"The Past, was just a Dream. The Future is, what is Hope. But the Present is, what is Reality."