Hello again Raven. smile
It's good to hear from you, but I'm sorry that you have been going through some rough times.

I'll have to be brief because I have to go out, but I'll get back to you later.

For now ..

Re the dream. I think that they are more to do with the dreamers fears and worries than about anything that is really real. Worrying about them won't help. They are bound to be upsetting, but many of us have scary upsetting dreams. The best thing, I think, is to just accept that some dreams can be negative, but that they are just dreams. You are probably having them because you are feeling down and confused. Try not to let them get to you.

Now, the scratches you made on your arms. Again, try to look at the positive. You say that you are making progress. Be proud of that important fact, rather than worrying about this blip.

All relationships have ups and downs. Your boyfriend says he loves you. There is another girl he likes. Does he know that you saw this information? The thing is, many people like other boys / girls (or men / women) when they are in a relationship. People cannot help being attracted to others or to getting on well with others. It's what they do about it that counts. He says that he likes this girl more than a friend ~ so I can, indeed, see your concern. You are bound to feel sensitive aboiut it. Any girl would. However, he says that he loves you. It is you he spends his time with. Have you discussed this particular matter with him?

The best thing you can do for him is be there for him. You cannot sort out his parents' problems. You can only be there if he needs to talk about it. You know that it would help him to see you as healthy as you can be, so look after yourself.

It's good that you are taking vitamins. You know, though, that you need adequate nutrition. If you cannot stomach huge meals, then eat little snacks as often as you can. Try to make them healthy and easily-digestibe, like fruit and vegetables. Try to eat some fish every day. Build up gradually.

Take care smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.