Yes, Raven, though I completely understand why you don't want to get into deep discussions with your social worker, until your exams are over, Carl is right, too, that sometimes, because we don't want to face our problems, we may keep finding reasons to put off dealing with them.

If you are feeling negative, then you may need support, and you need it when you need it, not when the invigilators decide that the exams are finished. I know that you know this, but Carl is right that 'There may never be a time when you don't want to worry your social worker and are not concerned about working yourself up.' So be careful and get help when you need it. That is what she is there for. You might even do better in your exams with her support ~ had you thought of that?

You could have told her that there actually is something you need to discuss with her, but that you don't want to get involved in deep discussions while the exams are on, because you need to concentrate on them for the time-being and not risk getting over-emotional.
In fact, you could still tell her this.

I'm not usually in favour of lies ~ even white ones ~ they often come back to bite you. smile But you must do what you think is right. Just take all the concern and advice on board and do take care of yourself.

I'm glad that your scars are healing, and hopefully they will be the last, since you are doing so well smile Well done!

Congratulations on your 9 months with your boyfriend. I hope that you can go from strength to strength. You obviously have a strong bond between you, in spite of your concerns.

And good luck with the exams! I hope that they are going well.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.