I am currently reading Richard Paul Evans' The Gift. The protagonist has Tourette's Disease, tics, and in addition, has urges to cut himself. He carries in his pocket paper money that he has removed from his wallet and folded so there are sharp creases and points. So, when he feels the urge, he presses his hand or finger to a point.

I, also, understand that some counselors might overreact.

Learning to cope is a good thing, I'm thinking. Yet, only the person can know if he or she is really coping, or losing hope.

Sometimes we resist change not just from fear of rejection or of mockery but simply because we dislike the inconvenience. Change just seems hard.

But once change, that one knows in one's gut needs to be done, is started, you feel better almost immediately.

And beginning to talk about it is the beginning of change.

So good for you!

Marge is the love of my life.