David and I just talked... again. He wanted to know why I didn't necessarily see a future with him anymore - I told him because I wasn't sure I was in love with him anymore. Can't even begin to explain how his face made me feel. Ugh - the heart is heavy.

I told him I wanted to talk to someone outside of our marriage - not my parents, but a counselor to get some external input on the marriage. Don't think he understands why. I told him I didn't know what I was doing or what I should do and I needed some additional input from someone that isn't biased.

This is really hard - this in between stage of decision. I'm looking around the house thinking "what in the world am I going to do - we have everything together - everything - the house, the furniture, the dog, the wedding presents from 6 years ago". I'm scared and unsure of what to do.

What if I leave him and then I never find someone again? Then what do I do?