I hope that it works out as well as it can for both of you ~ but one more thing ~ about making people happy. I'm sure that this is what most of us want. Most people want to see their loved ones happy and hate to think that they might have upset them. I know that I feel this way. You are not unusual in this respect.

What, I suppose, is a little more unusual, but, again, not completely different from the way some others will react, is that your friends betrayed you and, when they did, you responded by punishing yourself.

I do wonder what problems you could have been talking about for six years, though, when you were quite a young girl. Maybe it was the depression that you mention, I can understand that. I suffered from teenage depression, myself. It was horrible.

You sound as if you have grown through most of it, which is great, and become more assertive and confidemts, which is also great, but which can put pressure on some marriages ~ as you have found.

Good luck! smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.